Thursday, 15 July 2021

AJ Bell Youinvest Dividend Monitor (Portfolio Buy)

If only there were a quarterly review of the highest-yielding FTSE 100 shares...
Cue the nice people from AJ Bell Youinvest 

If you haven't discovered it yet, AJ Bell Youinvest publish a free quarterly review of the top dividend payers in the of the biggest companies quoted in London which makes interesting reading for a DIY Income Investor like me. 

The latest on their website is the 2021 Q2 Dividend Monitor. This edition gives a well-explained overview of what is happening to the big dividend payers, including topics such as:
  • highest forecast yields - and why you need to be wary of the biggest yields (Rio Tinto tops leads the pack)
  • dividend cover - what it is and why it is important
  • dividend 'aristocrats' -  how reliable dividends can end up being worth more than they seem (for example, if you had bought Ashtead in 2011, you would be earning nearly 25% on the price in current dividends)
In addition there is more on share buy-backs and the overall balance between money coming out of the FTSE 100 compared with new capital raising.

Of course, this is all a little out of date now - but worth looking out for the next edition.

By the way, I've held a Stocks & Shares ISA with AJ Bell Youinvest for many years and can recommend them. After reading this edition, I used this account to buy a big bunch of M&G shares (LSE:MNG) - adding to my previous purchase.

[Buy price: £2.275]

I am not a financial adviser and the information provided does not constitute financial advice. You should always do your own research on top of what you learn here to ensure that it's right for your specific circumstances.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this. I forgot their dividend dashboard quarterly even existed. Interesting read alongside Link's UK Dividend Monitor.
