Monday 15 January 2018

High Yields in London

For DIY Income Investors able to access it, Shares magazine has an interesting article on investing for income: 'Give yourself an income boost with stocks and funds yielding more than 5%'

Of course, yield is not everything and the article goes on to discuss some of the pitfalls and problems associated with high yield investing.

I get a digital version of the magazine for free as I have a SIPP account with AJ Bell YouInvest (who I can recommend, by the way).

There are a surprising number of high yields available in the FTSE 350 - as the table below shows:

 Source: Shares magazine

However:  "High dividend yields can often be a warning sign that the market lacks faith in earnings forecasts – so don’t rush to buy any company off our list of 5%+ yielders without proper research."

I'll leave you to read the rest of the report yourself - in particular I like the section on cash-backed dividends: some names from the wider market that you may not have thought of.

 Source: Shares magazine

I am not a financial adviser and the information provided does not constitute financial advice. You should always do your own research on top of what you learn here to ensure that it's right for your specific circumstances.


  1. So, Phoenix is looking good then?
    6.5% yield with 2.61 Cash Flow Dividend Cover

    However, it seems the company made a loss for year ending 31/12/2016 ... when will the year ending 31/12/2017 results be available?

  2. pheonix took on another pension book last year that may be the cause

  3. Personally I like the builders. Every government seems determined to increase the population substantially through mass immigration whether the people like it or not and that means the need for more houses. It's difficult to see what could go wrong for them and most pay a very healthy dividend.

  4. Great article this morning in the Daily Telegraph's Questor (business section)

    GCP Infrastructure is currently yielding over 6% - with a recent decline in the premium needed to purchase.
