Friday, 24 February 2012

Portfolio Buy: RSA Group (LSE:RSA)

One of the more pleasant 'chores' of running the portfolio is the reinvestment of income generated in the tax-free brokerage accounts (ISAs in the UK).

After having looked at a few options I noticed RSA's latest results announcement, which piqued my interest.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Portfolio Buy: SEGRO plc (LSE:SGRO)

Following my recent search for something to buy, I have decided to diversify into another high-yield share, based on the expectation of a little improvement in the UK and European economies.

This choice of security was also prompted by the chance to do a bit of portfolio in-filling with a (now unfortunately) small 'legacy' holding of mine - so I have been monitoring this business for a while.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

What to Buy Now?

One of the pleasures of DIY Income Investing is to look at your brokerage account and find that is has generated enough cash for a new investment. Even better if you have more than one account that has sprouted some nice green shoots of cash.

Well today I have two such accounts. Cash is nice - but it's not sweating: how best to put it to work?

Monday, 20 February 2012

Portfolio Review: First Group (LSE:FGP)

High-yield dividend shares form part of Level 6 of the DIY Income Investor Income Pyramid. As the fortunes of these companies change, so does their eligibility for my portfolio. So it is worth reviewing the portfolio selection, at least annually.

So, is First Group (or FirstGroup, as they like to call themselves) still moving in the right direction?

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Money's Not Everything!

Most people reading this blog will be interested in money - or at least the best way to multiply it - but, as we all know, it's not everything.

We have said before that 'you should prepare for a longer retirement'. Fine. So what's the problem?

Well - your active retirement might be a lot shorter than you are expecting.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Portfolio Review: Catlin Group (LSE:CGL)

Catlin Group is my biggest high-yield shareholding - so I need to keep a 'weather' eye on it.

Should I be happy? Or is it a disaster waiting to happen.

Portfolio Review: GlaxoSmithKline (LSE:GSK)

I recently sold a chunk of my GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) shares, when I had the opportunity to realise 5 years' dividends. But I still have a small holding so should I be adding to it again - or thinking about selling?

Portfolio Review: BP (LSE:BP.)

High-yield dividend shares form part of Level 6 of the DIY Income Investor Income Pyramid. As the fortunes of these companies change, so does their eligibility for my income-oriented portfolio. So it is worth reviewing the portfolio selection, at least annually.

So how is BP doing?

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

10,676,500% Return!

LSE Performance 1900-2011 Source: Credit Suisse

A new study of market trends since 1900 demonstrates, once again, that over a lifetime or longer, equities have been the best investment.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Excel Tutorial: Scrape a Share Price!

I recommend that you keep track of your savings and investments using a spreadsheet.

One of the neatest functions of Excel is the ability to 'scrape' share prices from financial websites - for free! Once you have this price in your spreadsheet, you can use it to update the value of your holding, the current yield and your capital loss or gain.

So here is a quick tutorial on how to do this: I've tried to make this accessible to Excel beginners.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Portfolio Review: Aviva (LSE:AV.)

High-yield dividend shares form part of Level 6 of the DIY Income Investor Income Pyramid. As the fortunes of these companies change, so does their eligibility for my income-oriented portfolio. So it is worth reviewing the portfolio selection, at least annually.

So how is Aviva doing?

Friday, 3 February 2012

PIBS: Beware the Unexpected Caller

Just as when you are answering your front door, if you are considering buying a PIBS (permanent interest-bearing share) you need to beware of the unexpected caller. Or more accurately, the non-caller.

Even if you are already holding a PIBS (and some other bonds issued by banks) you should have a good look at your portfolio as there has been a significant change in how these securities are treated which could affect their value.