When you are investing, it is quite difficult to know how well your particular approach is working out. This is why, in the past, as a DIY Income Investor I have looked at various benchmarks related specifically to income investing, as opposed to the other investment strategies.
So, imagine my interest in a comparison of the performance (over five years) of the 'best' professional income fund managers...
A simple approach to successful personal investing with the goal of generating a growing income from a portfolio including cash savings, shares, corporate bonds and government-backed investments, using online savings and brokerage accounts and shielding your investments from tax wherever possible. Making money since 2011
Thursday, 29 September 2016
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
So, You Think You Know What You're Doing?
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It is quite amazing how faulty our human thinking processes can be.
If you are interested in the distortions - or biases - that we regularly come up with, take a look at this article. See how confident you feel after you have read it!
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