Thursday, 29 September 2016

Performance Of UK Income Fund Managers

When you are investing, it is quite difficult to know how well your particular approach is working out. This is why, in the past, as a DIY Income Investor I have looked at various benchmarks related specifically to income investing, as opposed to the other investment strategies.

So, imagine my interest in a comparison of the performance (over five years) of the 'best' professional income fund managers...

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

So, You Think You Know What You're Doing?

“ Auguste Rodin (French, 1840-1917), The Thinker

It is quite amazing how faulty our human thinking processes can be.

If you are interested in the distortions - or biases - that we regularly come up with, take a look at this article. See how confident you feel after you have read it!