Saturday 12 December 2015

DIY vs Funds - The Costs

As a Do-It-Yourself Investor, I always believed costs would always be lower than going to the professional wealth managers - the 'men-in-suits'.

Recently I came across a study that tried to calculate how big the savings of DIY Investing might be - and the results are quite shocking....

Thursday 10 December 2015

In For A Penny (Portfolio Buy)

I won't try to deny it - 2015 has not been a good one for the DIY Income Investor portfolio, which is currently down about 6% since January.

However, one thing I have learned about investing is that sometimes there are bad years. So, while I'm ready to modify my investment approach, I'm not going to panic. I'm going to carry on using high yield as an indicator of potential value (as well as income). And the latest purchase is about as high a yield as you can find.